The Cautions of Intermittent Fasting: An Experiment

Intermittent fasting (IF) is popular for its potential health benefits, but it's crucial to understand that the process of healing and balancing our bodies isn’t always linear. Let me share my own journey, an eye-opener, on how powerful food is and how it can impact our bodies.

Recently, my hormonal balance seemed to be thrown off gear, which was quite surprising for me, and the trigger was - intermittent fasting. I had hormonal acne (REALLY?!?!). I had headaches. I had lower back pain. Worst of all, to my shock, my period arrived a whole seven days early. The only change that had occurred in my lifestyle was the timing of when I consumed more or less carbs and fat in my diet.

Initially, I was under the impression that I had "messed up" my hormone balance. However, I had to remind myself of a key lesson I learned through the Nutritional Therapy Association - healing is rarely a linear journey. As our bodies change and heal, it can stir up things, leading to temporary discomfort.

This experience served as a stark reminder of the profound power of food. My diet remained the same; the only thing I altered was the timing of my meals, and yet, this minor adjustment led to significant hormonal shifts. This realization allowed me to appreciate the potency of food as medicine.

I have decided to continue my personal experiment with IF for a few more months, hoping that these hormonal upheavals are temporary blips in the healing process. I promise to share more details should the results turn out well. But for those considering intermittent fasting, remember to approach with caution and listen to your body's signals as you embark on this journey.


My Hormone Healing Journey: The Power of Food as Medicine